How To Create Valuable Content For Voice Apps

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Create Valuable Content For Voice Apps

Understanding how to create valuable content for voice apps will result in better, deeper and more enriched skill experiences.

One of the more frequent situations that many voice app developers find themselves in, is that once they launch a voice app their rankings will begin positively going up, up and up…only to then see a significant drop in rankings and retention after that initial spike.

Often the reason for this can be that users who are having a great time exploring and using a voice app then begin hearing the same repeated questions, funny voice cut or run out of levels and lose interest because there is nothing new to explore or hear.

Users need the stimulation of new and interesting information. Even conversations with a human friend who constantly talks about the same thing, drops the same one-liners or jokes every time, can become old and stale over time. Developing content for voice apps is exactly the same.

The other thing about this, however, is that a need for fresh new voice content, is one of the ways to unlock a monetisation technique. So, with great content, and regular great content, you can then look to offer subscriptions where people can pay for all the new stuff that’s coming all the time, and they know they are going to get value out of it.

It also incentivises you as the skill builder to go build new content because you are actually making money for it.

Content creation for voice, or any other medium, can be costly and/or time-consuming. If you can find a way to monetise your voice app content, it will allow you to invest in more content while also (hopefully) making a profit on your investment.