Alexa Smart Screen SDK

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Alexa Smart Screen SDK

The Alexa Smart Screen SDK extends the Alexa Voice Service Device SDK to provide support for device makers developing screen-based products with Alexa, like TVs, Smart Displays or anything else with a screen.

The Smart Screen SDK provides visual multimedia responses in addition to Alexa’s voice and other audio content.

The SDK builds upon the existing C++ Device SDK for Speakers and adds visual support with the APL Core Engine and a view host for rendering.

The Alexa Presentation Language (APL) is the common visual design language across all Amazon and third-party Alexa devices, and it supports popular features like weather, music, lists, jokes and many more skills created by developers.

You will be able to implement amazing functionality with the smart screen SDK combined with third-party APL skills with rich visuals or other solutions like a video skills kit.

The Alexa Smart Screen SDK is available for macOS, Raspberry Pi, and soon for Ubuntu Linux platforms.

Alexa Smart Screen device makers now have the tools to create fully immersive rich visual experiences with Alexa.

Watch the video with Eric Faisal, an Alexa voice service solutions architect for additional examples of the functionality available with the Alexa Smart Screen SDK.

Click here to view the Alexa Smart Screen SDK product page.