Brand Voice App Strategies

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Voice App Strategy For Brands

The most effective voice strategy for brands could be to replicate the way that we build relationships with humans.

Once you have a trusted and personalised relationship, then you can activate that because you know what offers they will receive well or what products that person might actually, genuinely need in their life.

The learning curve for using voice is virtually non-existent. You speak, and if the voice assistant skills are designed correctly, you get the response you were expecting.

This gives a new level of access to people who are not familiar, not early adopters using technology, they would struggle with apps, they would struggle with websites, but now via voice assistants, they have the ability to access these services in a really simple way without the frustration of having to learn how to do it.

On that basis, the future of voice and what that could mean to a brand is that you’re not projecting a message out, one-to-many like a TV ad, and hoping that it lands somewhere.

The goal is though, is to have a meaningful, personalised relationship with every single one of your customers or you are actively growing that relationship with your potential customers.

If brands can understand this new channel of Voice assistants and adapt to this new way of communicating with their customers, then it can deliver great value over the long term.